Engine Room Resource Management
ERRM – Engine Room Resource Management
This course is in accordance with and satisfies Regulation I/12, Sections A-III/1&2 and A&B-VIII/2 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 and is also based on IMO Model Course 2.07.
Scope (Target audience) : The course is intended for engineering officers at both the management and operational level. The course provides training for the management and development of resource available to engineering officers to enhance the effective and efficient functioning on-board.
Course content : The course focuses on the identification and development of human resources. The course illustrates typical situations connected with engine room operations on-board and highlights methods for dealing and handling with problems and crisis situations.
A candidate successfully completing this course will have identified the resources available, which contribute to the functioning on-board ship. They will have considered the assets and liabilities of resources and identified methods for management and development of these resources.
The course includes:
- Team building and development
- Human factors
- Complacency
- Situational awareness and error trapping
- Communications
- Leadership and group decision making
- Multicultural diversity
- Principles of effective engine room watch-keeping
- Familiarization with engine simulator
- Engineering organization and procedures
- Case study
Duration: 5 days
Prerequisite :
- Identification card or passport
Note to client : After successful completion of the course candidates will receive ERRM – Engine Room Resource Management certificate