Extreme Weather Conditions

EWC - Extreme Weather Conditions Training Course


Scope (Target audience) : The goal of the course extreme weather conditions is for the participants to both gain the background and the critical thinking skills to enable them to participate in informed discourse about weather and climate related events.


Course content :  In recent years, weather forecasts have become more accurate and timely, however we continue to lose millions of dollars of cargo and thousands of human lives every year due to weather conditions. The exchange of meteorological data between ships and the Hydro meteorological Institute enables better decision-making, optimization of navigation routes and easier search and rescue.

This course provides an introduction to the physics of the extreme weather events. It examines ice ages, climate charge, monsoons, hurricanes, heat waves, thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes and other extreme atmospheric events to illustrate the basic physical laws that produce these events.

The course includes:

  • Global Wave Satch System
  • Definition, diagnosis and origin of extreme weather and climate events
  • Riding out a ship in a hurricane
  • Operations in extreme cold climates
  • Weather routing for ship


Duration: 1 days (8 hours)


Prerequisite : 

  • Identification card or passport


Note to client : After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Extreme Weather Conditions Training Course certificate

ADDITIONAL INFO: If you are interested in Ice Navigation course, click here!

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