FOET - Further Offshore Emergency Training


Further Offshore Emergency Training - FOET

This training course in IN LINE WITH OPITO

Target audience

Personnel working in the off-shore oil and gas industry who already attended the Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training course 


Course aims:

The aim of this course is to allow participants to practice and establish emergency response skills that are not possible to replicate during drills, exercises and offshore training that take place in the work environment.

Course content

The three main topics of the course are:

  • Helicopter Safety and Escape
  • Emergency First Aid
  • Firefighting and Self Rescue

IN LINE WITH OPITO Objectives of the course: 

(a) Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment and follow procedures in preparing for and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching.

(b) Demonstrate that they can use basic firefighting equipment effectively, and use self-rescue techniques in low visibility and completely obscured visibility situations e.g. smoke filled areas.

(c) Demonstrate that they can perform basic first aid. a 

1 day


Prerequisite :


Note to client :

After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Further Offshore Emergency Training certificate.

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