Marine Accident and Incident Investigation & Analysis

Marine Accident and Incident Investigation & Analysis

Accident/Incident investigation and analysis is used to prevent future accidents by determining root cause. As such, the investigation or analysis must produce information leading to corrective actions to prevent or reduce the number of accidents in the workplace.

Provide a technique that will guide incident investigators when conducting root cause analyses in identifying, documenting and trending the causes of accidents and close calls
Assist with the investigation of a variety of incident types  and sizes of incidents related to their vessels and facilities (ashore and at sea)
Allow analysis of losses whether they are related to safety, the environment, human element concerns, security, reliability, quality or business losses
Supportive activities such as Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TSMA), as well as the ISM Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
Provide a technique that is sufficiently flexible to allow customization to a user’s management system, Health Safety and Environment (HSE) programs or related initiatives

2 days

Delegates will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.  The training can be booked via our website or email. We ask all delegates to provide their individual email addresses for enrolment purposes for online trainings. We are unable to enroll multiple delegates with one email address. A member of SSM team will email you to confirm the enrolment and provide instructions on how to access the course. You will also receive a separate email with attached documentation /registration/GDPR/ Evaluation/ which need to be fille, as they are priority for issuing the Certificate.

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