Marlins & TOSE

Marlins & TOSE


Target audience:

All relevant personnel.


Course aim

English is the working language of the seas and effective communication is crucial in ensuring safe and successful operations at sea. Poor communication is the root cause of accidents within the shipping industry. English may not be spoken fluently between all members of a mixed nationality crew or between ship and shore. Marlins’ E-learning platform has been developed to make sure seafarers are able to communicate accurately and fluently with other seafarers and shore personnel.

Marlins Test platform are conducted on the Marlins Test Platform.

The table on the link suggests recommended levels for English language of Deck and Engine personnel, using Test of Spoken English (TOSE) and the percentage needed for each category. Click here to access the table.

Marlins Test can be conducted online or at the Training Centre where it has its own  specific classroom equipped with all equipment necessary. MCA/Marlins Approved English Language Test Centre: SSM Training Centre was the first Marlins Approved Test Centre in Croatia . We provide Test Certificates which are acceptable evidence by MCA of level of English knowledge.

Duration: 1 day

Prerequisite :

  • Identification card or passport
  • Seaman's book number


Note to client :

After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Marlins & TOSE certificate.

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