Offshore Crane Operator - Stage 3

Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3

This training course iIN LINE WITH OPITO

Target audience:

Experienced offshore crane operators who successfully completed Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 and Stage 2 training courses.


Course aim

The aim of this course is for offshore crane operators to prove and determine the level of competence to carry out the safety critical role of their job. It is actually re-assessment of Stage 2, to ensure continuing competences on a simulator. Besides operating the crane, the course is focused on the planning and understanding of the boat lifting process, offshore crane inspection and communication within the lifting operation.


Course outcomes

  • Performing crane operation with full control
  • Carrying out pre-operational checks and shutdown procedures
  • Understanding rated capacity indicators and other safety aspects of crane operating
  • Planning for lifting operations
  • Being aware of the probable impact of weather condition as well various loads condition on the lifting operation.
  • Being skilled in communication to all parties involved in offshore lifting operations


Duration: 3 days

Prerequisite :

  • Identification card or passport
  • Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1
  • Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2


Note to client :

After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Offshore Crane Operator - Stage 3 certificate.


Offshore Crane Operator - Stage 1
Offshore Crane Operator - Stage 2

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