
The International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF) has published on its website the advice of the World Health Organization for the protection of Corona Virus

The International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF) has published on its website the advice of the World Health Organization for the protection of Corona Virus:

Advice for the maritime industry, seafarers and dock workers

Do not restrict embarkation/disembarkation of seafarers in non-affected ports

Do not restrict necessary ship visits by port agents, chaplains, service personnel and others.

Do not visit food markets in China and avoid provision of fish and poultry in China.

Do not consume raw eggs, milk, meat.

Observe strict food hygiene to avoid cross contamination

Ensure facial protection is provided for all crew (5 pieces /per person)

Provide influenza vaccination, alcohol-based hand sanitiser and facial protection for ship inspectors and other crew who travel to China.

If a crew member on board falls sick and has been travelling to affected areas 2-12 days before embarkation, the person must stay in his/her cabin.

If a crew member is sick on board a ship, fill out the maritime declaration of health and notify the relevant port authority and consult a healthcare provider in the next port.

Advice for crew members:

Encourage all onboard to practice hand and respiratory hygiene especially when coughing or sneezing.

Crew should use hand sanitizer/wash hands following contact with any passenger or other crew.

If on a layover in a country with a known coronavirus outbreak, crew are advised to remain in hotel accommodation as much as possible and practice hand and respiratory hygiene and safe food practices (see more below).

More about protection and advice can be found directly on the ITF and WHO website:

ITF here

World health organization here