D13B - Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarisation

D13B - Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarisation

Scope (target audience):
D13B - Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarisation training aims to educate seafarers to be able to carry out specific duties during loading, unloading and care in transit or handling of cargo on liquefied gas tankers in order to improve the ship safety and protect the environment at the same time. By successfully completing the course seafarers will make a safer and more effective contribution to the operation on a liquefied gas tanker.

Course content:
Cargo Attributes
Toxicity and other hazards
Detection of danger
Security equipment and personnel protection
Prevention of pollution
Procedures in the event of dangers
Load handling equipment
Cargo handling operations

4 days

Course requirement:
Identification card or passport
1 passport size-colored photograph
Basic Safety Training certificate

    First & Last name:

    Contact phone

    Contact e-mail:

    Start date

    End date