D20 - Proficiency in Medical Care aboard Ship

D20 - Proficiency in Medical Care aboard Ship

Scope (Target audience):
D20 - Proficiency in Medical Care aboard Ship course has been designed to meet the requirements of STCW section VI/4-2 and is based on the guidelines of IMO Model Course 1.15. Course is open to all seafarers who are designated to take charge of medical care on board ship. After successful completion of the course the trainees will be competent to participate effectively in co-ordinate schemes for medical assistance on ship at sea and to provide the sick or injured with a satisfactory standard of medical care while they remain on board.

Course content:
First aid
Care of casualties
Aspects of nursing
Alcohol and drug abuse and psychiatry
Dental care
Gynecology, pregnancy
Medical care of rescued persons, including distress, hypothermia and cold exposure
Death at sea
Environmental control on board ship
Disease prevention
Keeping of records
Medicines and medical equipment
Surgical equipment, instruments and supplies
External assistance

Identification card or passport
2 passport size-colored photographs
Medical First Aid certificate

5 days

    First & Last name:

    Contact phone

    Contact e-mail:

    Start date

    End date