D9 - GMDSS Restricted operator certificate
D9 - GMDSS Restricted operator certificate
D9 course - GMDSS Restricted operator certificate has been designed to meet the requirements of STCW section IV/2 for sea Area 1 only and is based on the guidelines of IMO Model Course 1.26. This course covers the training recommended in annex 4 to IMO Assembly resolution A.703 (17) – recommendation on Training of Radio Operator’s related to the Restricted Operator’s Certificate (ROC).
Course content :
Statutory framework of the Maritime Mobile Services
Identification of radio stations
Service publications
GMDSS components
Other systems used on board
Search and rescue (SAR) operations
Miscellaneous skills and operation
Duration: 3 days
At the end of the course, participant will receive D9 - GMDSS Restricted operator certificate.