PSC - Port State Control

Port State Control – PSC

Target audience:

The course is open to officers from maritime administrations and port authorities who are responsible for the control of ships in their territorial waters or to anyone interested in getting a better understanding of PSC Inspection Requirements along with current and future regulatory regime. PSC is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.


Course goals:

The aim of the course is to teach the participants to identify the responsibilities of a flag State to exercise control over its ships and to explain the role of a port State in supplementing such control, identify and use the legal instruments available for PSC and identify and properly report deficiencies to the flag State and to IMO, as appropriate.


Course content:

Some of the topics covered are:

  • PSC History and Development
  • PSC Inspection Guidelines
  • Relationship between PSC and flag state control
  • Current and Future regulatory regime
  • Preparation Checklists and defense strategy
  • Analysis of common deficiencies
  • Follow up of PSC deficiencies and detentions
  • Handling of PSC Inspectors
  • Commercial Implications of PSC


Duration: 2 days


Prerequisite :

  • Identification card or passport


Note to client :

After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Port State Control certificate.

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    End date