Ship Handling and Manoeuvring

SHM - Ship Handling and manoeuvring simulator course

STCW A-II/2, Table A-II/2, Part B Section B-V/a / IMO MODEL COURSE 1.22. & 7.01.

Scope (Target audience) : The course is intended for candidates who are for Masters, Watch-keeping Officers, Pilots and Mooring Masters of all nationalities, rank and experience navigating on large ships.

Course content : The purpose of the course is to be enabled to efficiently maneuver the large ships. Training will also be provided in techniques to avoid the unintentional transmission of false distress alerts and the procedures to use in order to mitigate the effects of false distress alerts following unintentional transmission. To be aware of all the factors affecting the berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind and tide, with or without tugs.

The course includes:

  • Proper planning of berthing and unberthing procedures.
  • Execution of berthing and unberthing procedures.
  • Assessing prevailing weather and tidal conditions.
  • Consideration of ships characteristics
  • Consideration of use of anchors and tugs. 

The course for practical part of the course uses the TRANSAS SIMULATOR.

The course for practical part of the course uses the BRIDGE SIMULATOR.

The course for practical part of the course uses the ENGINE SIMULATOR.

 2 days


Prerequisite : 

  • Identification card or passport


Note to client : After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Ship Handling and Manoeuvring course on the Transas Navigational Bridge Simulator Navi Trainer Professional 4000 certificate.

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