Ship to Ship Operation

Ship to Ship Operation Training course

Scope (Target audience) :
The course Ship to ship operation is aimed at providing advice for Masters, marine superintendents and others responsible for planning STS transfer operations. It is primarily directed to the transfer of crude oil and petroleum products between ocean-going ships. Although intended for operations taking place at sea, and therefore often beyond normal port services. It will also be of relevance in inshore waters or within harbor limits, although in such cases special regard will have to be given to local regulations.

This course covers ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operations of crude oil and petroleum products. It is primarily intended to familiarize Masters and ship operators with the general principles involved.



Course content :  The course is directly concerned with STS transfer operations undertaken at sea. Therefore in places that may be beyond the assistance of normal port services. The recommendations apply to seagoing ships when it is intended that they moor alongside each other. However, the course may also be useful as a reference when establishing rules for transfer operations between seagoing ships and barges or estuarial craft in inshore waters. The course can also provide background advice to companies operating offshore storage or production facilities where direct transfer to seagoing ships takes place. In addition the course may be of assistance when carrying out emergency STS transfer operations when one of the ships involved is disabled or aground. 


All exercises during the course are carried out on to Full Mission Bridge Simulator – . Certified by DNV Class A - Bridge Operation and Liquid Cargo Simulator (Navi – Trainer Professional 4000)

Duration: 3 days (18 hours)


Prerequisite : 

  • Identification card or passport


Note to client : After successful completion of the course candidates will receive Ship to ship Lightering Course certificate

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